WHO is AndyKo...? The director of AK Entertainment Consultant Ltd. He is the Hong Kong-based famous Award winning Magic Artist, Emecc, Award winning stage actor and Event Director. He performs in fluent English, Cantonese and general Japanese.
P結婚 / 婚禮演奏Professional Entertainer - Andy Ko

全場可容納40-50人)))私人包場:無論大人定小朋友,都玩到樂而忘返;商業會議:特色舞台、音響;可代訂到會美食 # 貼心服務,如有特別要求可來電商

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Hi, I am Japanese native speaker in Causeway bay. (From MTR 5min by walk)I would like to teach everyone who interested in Japanese language. I have 10years teaching experience in HK.I can teach from b

降低膽固醇, 降血脂, 同時降低血液黏度, 也具有消除疲勞的功效. 红醋含有大量的多酚, 可以有效清理體內毒素. 其抗氧化物質, 能改善視力, 消除眼睛疲勞, 且能改善肝臟功能.

[下午1:11, 2017年11月7日] +852 9181 7818: 想要培養一個愛思考的孩子嗎? 要教育孩子,先教育自己。 只要你明白孩童的思考能力將怎樣影響他們一生,如果你願意用心栽培,你的孩子將會有不一樣的腦袋和卓越的一生。
教學進修 / 專業課程MasterMind Psychology Consultancy
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